Friday, August 16, 2013

My Favorite Things:

1. Making people laugh
2. Driving at night
3. Harmonizing with voices
4. Playing soccer/the game of soccer
5. Taking baths
6. Candles
7. When your stomach drops on a roller-coaster
8. Sleeping with the windows open
9. The months of September-November (in other words, Autumn)
10. The first snowfall
11. Shoes
12. When sunlight lights a room naturally
13. Walking in the middle of the road
14. When the wind blows the curtains in a room
15. Late night thoughts
16. Words
17. The mind
18. The way a song takes you back to a certain place & time

(to be continued)...

Letting go...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

O' Sister

O' sister
Such a beautiful soul
Filled with innocence
A smile that lights up the room
Don't ever lose that

O' sister
With your heart in one piece
And your head on straight
Hold on tight
It's a crazy ride

O' sister
You have skies of blue
And skies of grey
Ahead of you
But never lose hope

O' sister
You'll be successful
But always stay humble
And you'll be broken
But you'll come out stronger

O' sister
You'll make memories
You'll make friends and lose some too
And it'll seem like the world
But there's more

O' sister
You'll discover things, amazing things
You'll learn about life
The meaning of being
The reason for existence

O' sister
It's who you are
It's your life
It's your future
It's what you make it

O' sister
Time will go fast
And you'll have regrets
But you'll soar above the clouds
I know you will

O' sister
Please never forget
That I am your sister
Your very best friend
The one who knows you most

O' sister
The words I'd like to leave
Are to stay true to yourself
Remain faithful and loyal
And never forget to smile