Friday, August 16, 2013

My Favorite Things:

1. Making people laugh
2. Driving at night
3. Harmonizing with voices
4. Playing soccer/the game of soccer
5. Taking baths
6. Candles
7. When your stomach drops on a roller-coaster
8. Sleeping with the windows open
9. The months of September-November (in other words, Autumn)
10. The first snowfall
11. Shoes
12. When sunlight lights a room naturally
13. Walking in the middle of the road
14. When the wind blows the curtains in a room
15. Late night thoughts
16. Words
17. The mind
18. The way a song takes you back to a certain place & time

(to be continued)...

Letting go...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

O' Sister

O' sister
Such a beautiful soul
Filled with innocence
A smile that lights up the room
Don't ever lose that

O' sister
With your heart in one piece
And your head on straight
Hold on tight
It's a crazy ride

O' sister
You have skies of blue
And skies of grey
Ahead of you
But never lose hope

O' sister
You'll be successful
But always stay humble
And you'll be broken
But you'll come out stronger

O' sister
You'll make memories
You'll make friends and lose some too
And it'll seem like the world
But there's more

O' sister
You'll discover things, amazing things
You'll learn about life
The meaning of being
The reason for existence

O' sister
It's who you are
It's your life
It's your future
It's what you make it

O' sister
Time will go fast
And you'll have regrets
But you'll soar above the clouds
I know you will

O' sister
Please never forget
That I am your sister
Your very best friend
The one who knows you most

O' sister
The words I'd like to leave
Are to stay true to yourself
Remain faithful and loyal
And never forget to smile

Sunday, December 16, 2012

There Will Be A Day

Author's Note: In this piece, I addressed the tragedy that took place on Friday in Newtown, Connecticut through a number of lyrics and quotes.

“Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you.”
~Don't You Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia~

For the twenty kids whose lives were taken, they now rest in peace in the arms of the Heavenly Father, with no more pain, sorrow, or fear. Their eyes now fill with a new joy because they get to spend eternity with the One who had a plan for them all along.  

“I just can't sleep tonight knowing that things ain't right it’s in the papers, it's on the TV, it's everywhere that I go…children are crying.”
~Pray, Justin Bieber~

As for the numerous children who survived, I pray for their well-being. Their innocence has been stripped away from them and their small minds will forever be scarred by this tragic event. While their parents hold them tightly with thanksgiving and praise, their eyes fill with tears and fear – a fear of going out and living. Nevertheless, I trust that God will renew their minds with a hope for a better, safer, world.

“Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questioning'
Where is the love?”

~Where is the Love, Black Eyed Peas~

For days, months, years these parents and families will mourn the loss of their children. They will question the absence of God in the evil of the world and they will question humanity – as we all do in a time like this. Now, while we all prepare for Christmas, they will be preparing to bury their children. I pray that God comforts them in their sorrow. 

“Hope has two beautiful daughters – their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.”
~St. Augustine~

As for the teachers, I thank God for them. I read a story of a teacher who hid her 1st graders in the closet during the lock down and told the shooter they were in the gym. She was shot, but not a single kid was harmed. The courage of this woman is an inspiration and should bring a sense hope to the future of schools because teachers are truly blessings from above.

As for the future of our country, and our world – currently filled with so much danger, violence, and hate – I ask God to watch over it and have mercy on the sins of mankind. We wonder what drives a person to take the lives of innocent children, but there will never be an answer. Evil will always condemn our world, there just has to be a greater presence of faith and love in order to defeat this enemy. 

There Will Be A Day - Jeremy Camp
I try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that tries to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will
be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The True Meaning of Christmas

Author's Note: In my AP Language & Composition class, we are learning about personal memoirs and for an assignment we had to write about one childhood memory and how it has affected our lives.

           As I begin to ponder what childhood memories best portray my life story, I can’t help but have a mental brain block. One would ask – including my mother when I asked for her help in brainstorming – “how can you possibly not think of anything to write about? You’ve had an extremely blessed childhood filled with many vacations, adventures, and memories.” That being said, I could have easily taken one of my trips to Disney, the Wisconsin Dells, or the day I got my dog and spiced it up with some overly dramatic adjectives and fillers of emotions I don’t actually remember. Truth is I wanted to dig deeper and go beyond just another “story." I wanted to think long and hard about something that means the world to me and that I could write about with sincere and honest emotion. In fact, I started writing this with the intention of coming up with something, and I did. So let us begin…
My eyes slowly open, my body shivering beneath the covers. Subconsciously, I go to grab my comforter – hoping to stay inside the warm embrace of my bed – but as I lift myself up, I am startled by the bright white light streaming in through my window. Finally, my brain begins to function and my eyes become huge at the remembrance that today is, in fact, Christmas Eve. A smile finds its way across my face and suddenly I am warm; the gentle falling of snowflakes outside my window fills my heart with a certain joy and peace.   
Before I even have the chance to get out of bed, my younger sister comes running in through my door, her six year old voice crying out, “Taylor, Taylor, it’s here, it’s here – Christmas Eve is here!” The excitement in her voice is the sound of Christmas. But soon after that, I begin to hear actual holiday carols coming from downstairs. The chiming of bells and the crackling of the fire resonate within the walls of my house. My mom yells from the kitchen, “Get up T, we have to leave for Grandma’s in an hour and you still have to shower,” but little does she know the anticipation already has me up and getting ready.  
The minute we leave our snow packed driveway, I start to countdown the minutes until we arrive at my grandparents’ house. With my blanket in hand, I settle into a comfortable position and prepare for, what seems to be, the longest two hours of my life. My sister and I draw snowflakes on the fogged up windows and giggle to each other because we know our mother never likes it when we do that. But, it’s Christmas and she lets it slide. This is what we look forward to every year.
We pull into a crowded driveway filled with at least a dozen cars: we are here. My dad hands us each a box of beautifully wrapped gifts – my mom was always good at that – and we walk inside. Immediately, my nose is welcomed with the sweet aroma of pine, ham, and gingerbread and I’m greeted with a hug from Grandma and Papa. Jammed in every corner, hundreds of decorations are strewn about and as I look around, what isn’t packed with glass snowmen, Santa figures, and wreaths, is filled with laughter, bliss, and love.
It’s an annual tradition, how this day plays out. First, we wait for the entire house to fill up with guests – both family and friends – and by the time I can barely walk around without bumping into Great Uncle Lou, or stepping on Jared’s toe, we gather around the living room to start opening presents. The younger kids, including myself, have already made some predictions of what the gifts will be – seeing as we snuck into the present room earlier and scoped out the big boxes and who they were addressed to. Suddenly, the room is filled with sounds of tearing wrapping paper and “thank yous.” Toy cars, CDs, and knitted scarves scatter across the floor until the carpet completely disappears.     
While everyone gathers their abundance of gifts, bodies begin to migrate towards the kitchen where we will feast on the holiday classics: ham, stuffing, potatoes, and rolls. I grab at least a pound of ham because my grandma makes it the best, but amidst my indulgence, I can’t help but drool over the desserts to come afterwards. Cookies, on pudding, on pie, on cake cover the counter and before we can even swallow our dinner, our plates are bombard with goodies and treats. There is nothing that brings my family together more than a heaping amount of food.
The night begins to dwindle down and the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree illuminate the house as darkness sweeps in through the window. Everyone is scattered around the house – some falling into a food coma and some playing with their newly acquired toys.
It’s been a long day and my eyes start to feel heavy. My sister looks tired as well, but we both know this day only comes once a year so our adrenaline keeps us awake. Our mom tells us to go upstairs and put on our new Christmas pajamas because we are leaving soon. After my dad loads the car, we say our goodbyes and with a “Merry Christmas” we are off.
However, the car ride home never ceases to entertain me. My sister and I plunge into conversation of our plans for tomorrow and our wishes for more presents – this time, the ones from Santa Claus. The time is now midnight and I ask my sister where in the world she thinks Santa is. She answers, “All I know is he can’t be at our house, because we aren’t in bed yet.” Nodding my head in agreement, I turn to look out the window, only to see a red light flashing in the sky. I tell my sister to look and we both mutter, “Rudolph” at the same time. Once again, a smile crosses my face and I lay my head down to fall asleep.
And every year it goes the same way, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Looking back at my childhood, there is nothing more perfect that I could have written about. There is no other family I would rather be a part of and each and every year, with all the craziness and chaos, I am reminded of that. Although some members of my family have come and gone, the feeling of togetherness, the feeling of love, and the feeling of joy never fades. And every year as I watch the people around me grow older, I remember that I, too, grow with them and in that I have learned the true meaning of Christmas. It is as if my world freezes on that cold winter’s night, when we all gather to open presents, and I’m left staring at a room full of the people that I love. Reminiscing on that moment, I can truly say that the greatest gift I have every received is my family. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Varsity Choir 2012

"Music is what feelings sound like."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Please Remember Me - Tim McGraw

When all our tears have reached the sea
Part of you will live in me
Way down deep inside my heart
The days keep coming without fail
A new wind is gonna find your sail
That's where your journey starts

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Just like the waves down by the shore
We're gonna keep on coming back for more
'Cause we don't ever wanna stop
Out in this brave new world you seek
Oh the valleys and the peaks
And I can see you on the top

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where We Left Off - Hunter Hayes

Well if we had the words in times like these
We wouldn't have to stare
We'd both know what to say
And how to pray the things to do to save the day
Some will call it sacrifice
They'll look at this and never see
The beauty or how much it means
The blood that runs inside of me

I know you understand
That there's no map for this, no plan

And the way we say goodbye
Is not that way that anyone would do
Like a wave out on the ocean
I will always come right back to you
Like we blinked
Not a moment is gone
We'll pick up where we left off

It's like the world is draped in a camouflage
And sometimes never what it seems
Everyone's got different things
They hide behind or try to be
But the things I carry with me
All remind me who I am
When so much of me is not with me
What matters most is what I leave

Behind for you to keep
Yeah, so smile when you think of me

And though the way we say goodbye
Is not that way that anyone would do
Like a wave out on the ocean
I will always come right back to you
Like we blinked
And not a moment is gone
Yeah we'll pick up where we left off

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The End

Slowly my heart breaks
My body trembles
As your voice comes through the phone
It's been a while

I can't believe it's over
I watched the whole thing fall
There is just one thing the same
In my heart you will remain

Our eyes have wondered
We have gotten lost
But underneath the surface
Lies a powerful force: Love

And yes, it's real
And yes, it's special
To just you and me
It's ours

No other hand,
Not other heartbeat,
No other lips
Will feel the same

The loneliness encircles me
I have lost my best friend
My memory is all that remains
Of our beautiful yesterday

The rain pours outside
But my window stays open
I pray that one day
You'll come rushing through

Maybe someday
Fate will change its mind
And we will be together
You are worth it to me

...You know who you are.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012