Thursday, October 1, 2009

Journal Entry - Mountain

The great hills of the earth

Tower over the horizon

I stare at this image

It captures my mind

And my soul

And I wonder how they got there

And how they were formed

And I wonder what's on top

And what's below

And I let my mind wander

To and fro

The clouds sweep over the very tip

Birds flying within the valleys

Up so high

I can no longer see them


Just like that

In an instant

Could happen to anyone

At any moment

For that is why I stare

At these large blocks of rock

I must not take advantage of life

For one day it could disappear


Just like that

In an instant


  1. WOW, I thought that your journal entry was very cool. I like everything you had in it, and I thought it was very well done and written.

  2. That was a nice journal entry. That poem was awesome and I like how at the end you told a piece of advise.

  3. Wow, that was awesome. The ending was totally unexpected. I really liked it.:)

  4. I liked how much rythem it had, without sounding at all corny. You also used repitition to create meanings, which was awesome.

  5. This is a really good entry. It flowed really good. Great job.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your poem. I like the way you used repitition with different words. Also, the way you say: "Gone", gives this poem a realistic sound to it--so it does not seem completely romanticized.
