Friday, November 20, 2009

Size Makes No Difference

Standing at the mountain
I stare at its beauty
Looking at the ground
I find a small pebble
A small stone
A small rock
Picking it up
I again stare at the mountain
How does one small rock
Compare to this immense creation?
Then again
How do I compare
With the world?
I am small
Where is my place
In the world?
So many things
I can do
So many things
I can achieve
But how does one
Do these great things?
I again stare at the mountain
Then at the pebble
They are very similar
Very little difference
I can do anything
No one is stopping me
My size makes no difference


  1. I really like this poem Taylor!!! I like the meaning, and the comparisons throughout the whole pice. NICE JOB!

  2. Love it. The comparison, and natural voice are really powerful, especially how they happen to flow as poetry with a cadence.

  3. I enjoyed reading this poem. I really like the way you repeat some of your words and thoughts. Also, the last three lines are GREAT! I don't think there is anything you should change.

  4. I love this poem! I like your repetitive patterns throughout the poem! I like the comparison from the world, you and the mountain, and the pebble! Great Job!

  5. I really lvoe this poem! It's very inspiring. The comparison is awesome.

  6. I really like the meaning in this. However, it seems like you're contradicting yourself. You say, "I can do anything" but then say that you can't.other than that, this is a really nice poem.

  7. Mona, thanks for the comment. I am going to have to disagree with you about me contradicting myself. In the beginning I look at the rock and feel small; but then I realize that really there is very little difference between the rock and the mountain. I tell myself that size doesnt matter and I can do anything I put my mind too.

  8. I love this Taylor! Ihe voice is great and the whole concept of the poem is awesome. Great Job!

  9. This poem is really good. The concept of the size of somethng not making a difference and how you related it to a pebble and a mountain is really great.

  10. I think this poem is very well written. It creates a very vivid picture in your mind, yet it still has the concept of achieving your goals no matter how difficult it may be. Good work:)

  11. Great poem! It's very powerful and seems like it could be a confidence booster for all the people who read this! It's inspirational like Oprah haha great job!

  12. This is a really good poem, Taylor! It's really inspiring and you have a great voice in it. Good job:)

  13. hey taylor, I'm a freshman who was in Mr. Johnsons class last year so I still have a blog that I frequently use. I just wanted to let you know that this poem is very inspirational and very well written. I love it! Keep it up.
