Friday, January 15, 2010

Breaking Free from the Opinions of the World

First impressions – they can make or break us. But why? Why should we care what others think? Why should we change the way we live, just because our favorite movie star did? Unfortunately that is what opinions have become in our corrupt world; they change the way we look at ourselves. Celebrities, television and magazines have changed our thoughts on what “fitting in” really means. This world has taken advantage of delicate minds and filled them with this idea that in order to be happy you have to be a certain weight, have a certain style of hair, or wear a certain style of clothes. Our bodies need to be freed from these worldly standards. The burden of always wanting to fit in needs to be lifted of our shoulders. No one, except for ourselves, should care how we live our lives – it’s our lives – and we need to have the freedom to design our own lifestyle.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. I like how you adressed the issue of "trying to fit in", just the way it is. This is a really cool piece of writing because it encourages people--including me--to express their own style.

  2. I really liked how you took a real problem, and made an awesome piece out of it, that way when people read it, they actually understand and listen to what you are saying. The picture also does a great job of getting your point across.

  3. This reminds me of Farenheit 451. People do things because everyone wants them to--peer pressure. Great job!

  4. I agree with Karen - it is really cool how you wrote about a real problem you thought should be adressed. Your opinion is really clear, and it is really well written. Nice work!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this piece because you brought out great points about peer pressure. Celebrities, television and magazines do change how people think of themselves.

  6. Great job on this piece. I totally agree with your thought process and your opinion. I really like reading it and talking about it with our group. Great job overall!

  7. I agree 100%. Everyone, especially girls our age, feel we have to certain things to fit in. The way that you took a real problem really helps readers relate and engage with the entry. Great job! :)
