Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Save Me" by J.J. Heller

Am I really living
Or am I just existing
Hiding away
The world is full of danger
But if I never try to go outside
My heart will waste away
Come and save me
You’re the only source of peace I need
Come and save me
You tell me life will not be pain free
What will be

Will always be in your control
Darkness is light to you
And all you ask me to do
Is trust what you say is true
You are stronger
Than any terrible possible scenario today
Come and save me
You’re the only source of peace I need
Come and save me

Click here to listen to this song!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Let Him Shine

The sky is dim
It is dark
Many are terrified
Others are comforted
By the light that hides
Beneath the dark,
Murky clouds
The blackened atmosphere
Doesn't scare them

A sudden light
Scares away the darkness
All are comforted
Released from their fear
By the bright, hopeful sun

But in reality
It is not the sun that saves
It is the son
The one and only son
Given to us by
The one and only God

Are you trapped?
Let God shine through your clouds
Allow Him to separate you
From the dark clouds
That still lurk in your life