Friday, March 19, 2010

Let Him Shine

The sky is dim
It is dark
Many are terrified
Others are comforted
By the light that hides
Beneath the dark,
Murky clouds
The blackened atmosphere
Doesn't scare them

A sudden light
Scares away the darkness
All are comforted
Released from their fear
By the bright, hopeful sun

But in reality
It is not the sun that saves
It is the son
The one and only son
Given to us by
The one and only God

Are you trapped?
Let God shine through your clouds
Allow Him to separate you
From the dark clouds
That still lurk in your life


  1. Taylor, I loved this poem! It was so inspiring. My favorite line was when you said, "It's not the sun that saves It's the son" I think that in your second line, "It's dark" you could add another word just to see if it would make the rhythm better. Otherwise, great job!

  2. This is a beautifully written poem, and a strong testemonial of your faith. I love how you are proud to take the risk of sharing your views so strongly, and openly. I admire the strength of your convictions.

  3. Hey Taylor,

    I really like it! Its cool that you are becoming so articulate in expressing the truths and emotions you are experiencing!

  4. This is a really cool piece! I like how you are not afraid to write about what you believe. Also, I like the ending of your poem because it's convicting in a silent way; it's a great finish.

  5. This is a great poem, Taylor! You should be so proud of your writing, and the way you express your feelings--being so fearless. I don't have anything else to say as far as how to improve this. This is truly an awesome piece of writing!

  6. Hey Taylor! Great job. Like everyone else said... I love how you talk about your faith. I'm so happy that I got to see last night. I love how it rhymes. This is an amazing piece of writing!

  7. Sorry, I meant to say I love how it flows. Not how it rhymes. Sorry!
