Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Beautiful Wedding

Tears fall down

The cheeks of friends and family

Happy tears of congratulations

Sad tears of letting go

To the girl that used to play dolls

And dress up like a princess

But no longer is she young

She's grown older

She's fallen in love

A group of people sit around

To witness a celebration of love

They feel the slight breeze

The vineyard scent fills their bodies

She walks down the isle

Hand in hand with her father

She used to call him hero

But a new hero has entered her life

She's found a soul mate

She's found a companion

Slowly she walks towards him

Nerves cause his hands to shake

He takes in her beauty

I do, I do

They both say with confidence

The rest of their lives

Laid out in front of them

With those few, but special words

The bells ring

The lovers lips meet

A kiss they will never forget

Together they will be

For the rest of their lives

A beautiful event

For a beautiful couple

Who will live a beautiful life

People cheer and clap

This is it

A young girl

All grown up

She has dreamed of this day

Her whole life

The couple retreats

Hands united

Her veil blows in the wind

The sparkles in her dress

Twinkle in the sun

She looks like a princess

Like the ones she used to dress up as

Riding off with Prince Charming

Into the sunset

A beautiful thing

This thing called a wedding

Just a few hours

Representing an entire life time

Forever and always


  1. This poem is bittersweet. I really like how you end it. Also, the picture you posted fits very nicely. Awesome work!

  2. This is really good! I love how even the stanzas don't have a pattern, some of them sound like they do. I also like all the description in this poem. Great job!

  3. Great job Taylor! I love the last words, they describe this special event perfectly. Something that you could try is after the line "The sparkles in her dress" you could tab the next line to show that it goes together with the one above it.

  4. I love this a lot Taylor! i love how you talked about how the girl is grown up and she has a new hero. The only sugggestion that I have is maybe change you vocabulary a little, because it seemed like you used the word beautiful a lot. Other than that it was a great peom. The length was good too.

  5. Thanks for the comment Emma. The reason I used beautiful more than once was to creat repetition :)

  6. I really enjoyed this poem. The way you wrote the lines so that they effortlessly flow -- gently like a breeze -- and then end with such a serious, meaningful thought. As far as any criticism goes, I would use even more economy in writing; try to isolate any words that could be seen as unnecessary, and edit them out. See what's left after that, and piece it back together.

  7. Taylor great job! I loved reading this, I got chills again:) You're such a good writer and your thoughts are so orderly and clear. You touched on a lot of great points. You covered fathers, true love, sadness, joy, everything! The only thing that I would correct is in the 5th stanza where you repeat the "together idea" two times in a row. I think you only need that in their once, since you already have repetition with the "beautiful" idea. Otherwise fantastic job T!!! <3

  8. Wow Taylor this is an ahmazing peom!!!! It touched my heart when I read it. I liked it how you described the moment of getting married! Nice Job!
