Thursday, February 3, 2011

Beautiful Memories, Uncertain Present, Hopeful Future

When I see you, all I want to do is burst out in tears
Why can't we just go back to how we were?
You've built up these walls of insincerity, and you won't let me in
I try to stop thinking about it, but it's virtually impossible

I can't erase all the beautiful memories we had

Your eyes -- the way you looked at me; the way we laughed
Every moment with you was magic; something new and exciting

You got to me and when we were together my heart would melt
The care, the encouragement, the friendship, the spark
And now I just get to look back

Thinking only about the enchanting moments

The present is uncertain
Sometimes you smile, wave, or even speak
What do I do then?
What do I think?
Even though I've accepted that it's over
That notice in the hall can make or break my day
I wish I could tell you how I felt,
How I feel now
Wondering if you'd even care
Was this beautiful past a blessing, or simply a curse?

The questions filled my mind
As I dreamt of a hopeful future
Would you ever change?
Were things ever really real?
And the thoughts keep me waiting
Keep me wanting
I lie in bed and cry
Wishing you'd come back
I was lucky, I really was, to have had you then
Too bad it's all disappeared

I wish you would of held on tighter
I wish you would of cared more
But what used to be is done
And the could haves, the would haves keep me holding on
If I could just have one more day

I never wanted this chapter to end,
But someone better will come along
Someone who won't make me hurt
Won't make me cry
Won't make me feel unsure

I think of you more than you can imagine
But I need to be done
If you come back,
I might be here

You will always have a place in my heart
But that void I now have
Will be filled with better things
Hope, Life, Love

The beautiful memories are irreplaceable
The uncertain present is almost over
And the hopeful future is for more than just you
But for a love that lasts,
A love that makes me feel wonderful,
More so than I had with you
More so than I can ever imagine