Friday, October 14, 2011

The Painful Birth of a Beautiful Life

Complete evasion of the body
Striving to survive, to remain hopeful
Unsure of how you got here
Unsure of who you are
Unsure of the mistakes made
Perfection is a still image
Unreachable with the gentle touch of your hand
The tragic images creep quietly into your mind
The innocence of your body stripped away;
Seventeen years old

A single stroke of your silkier than straight hair
Sheds light on a beautiful future
Scarred forever by the memories
Silently you retrace the road traveled
It haunts your mind
Internally frightened of the past
But as a smile crosses your face
You embrace the future
Gently they whisper, “It’s time”
Completely still on the warm hospital bed
The tender sheets underlie you in hope
Eased by the comforting voices
Surrounded with security, with safeness

Holding onto the world with strength
You scream with dignity,
Dignity that effaces fear
Tears of strength fall from your cheeks
Releasing everything, your heart soars
The heavens sparkle before your tightly clenched eyes
Pressing on, you leave the old life behind
Breathing new life into the world,
Into the silence of the white-walled room

Sustaining, recovering
A mesmerizing key
Unlocking the heights of your future
Send off the worries,
Seize the dream that lies ahead
For love will overpower,
Love will conquer all
As you gaze into the deep blue eyes
The deep blue eyes of your young

1 comment:

  1. This poem works really well. I appreciate the use of phrasing, and language like "effaces". It makes me wonder who your inspiration is for this. Are you reading any poet in particular right now? Just a thought. Thematically, I also enjoyed what this poem takes on. You know me, and if the material deals with the human experience I am there. In this work, of course, you deal head on with an issue so close to all of us, yet simultaneously taboo -- very weird.
