Monday, February 6, 2012

Funny Isn't It?

Funny isn't it? How your life can go from one spontaneous moment full of smiles and laughter to an over complicated vision that sails you back to square one. Back to the days when you thought you had it all figured out. The days when you told yourself, "Yes, I am doing the right thing," but then when you think about it, you never really had a clue. You realize that life hands you random spurts of joy to kick you in the face and say, "Ha, you thought you had something good, didn't you?" Because suddenly, just when you're about to reach out and grab it, it disperses out of thin air and you are left alone....again. I guess what I am trying to say is, nothing is ever just right. It's either an inch away, or as far off as some tropical island you've really only ever seen in your dreams. Sometimes you can sense it, feeling it's embrace like a warm hug -- like a soft kiss on the cheek, but you can never quite get a finger on it. Or you can simply watch it from a distance, perhaps from the back row of the movie theater. But the reality is, harsh or not, you will never truly get that beautiful, surround sound, high definition image of "perfection."

It gets hard to sit around every day, longing for that moment when everything clicks and you're finally happy. Hoping, wanting, wishing, desiring...and for what? Prince charming to come swooping through your window? Your fairy godmother to come rescue you and wipe away all your tears ? Or maybe a genie to stop by your house and grant you three wishes? Although hypothetically this is not actually what we do, is it not? We constantly find ourselves unhappy with the current situation and all we want is for our lives to magically transform into the latest love movie we saw, the last book we read, or the most recent dream we've had.

But something is very wrong with all of this -- which I, myself, am a victim of. Instead of envisioning perfection, we need to create it. Granted, perfection does not exist, but what does exist is our mind's ability to see beyond the imperfections. We cannot wait around for happiness to come to us, because it's not worth the wait; we need to go out with a humble heart and seize every moment of every day -- creating the life we want to live. Now, this is much easier said than done because struggling to put aside all the hurt and pain of life is often difficult, but it's a choice. We can either hold on to our past, letting it barricade the road to a better future, or we can release all of our anger, all of our sadness, and with open eyes grasp on to the idea that everything is going to be okay...if we really want it to.

Nothing will ever be quite like the films; that's why they are meant to be watched and not lived. But we can create our own movies, our own stories -- with tests and trails, heartbreak and love -- that will not only build a plot, but build a character...a character that we can be proud of. So, "fall in love or fall in hate. Get inspired or be depressed. Ace a test or flunk a class. Speak the truth or lie and cheat. Dance on tables or sit in the corner. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Breathe. And enjoy the ride."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

"In Love, You Gotta Act Like a Woman, But Think Like a Man."

Think Like a Man - Jennifer Hudson ft. Ne-yo
Why you call me your dream bed?
And foolish of me I believe that
You said every king needs his queen babe
That's why you needed me baby
Right in between lost and love
You go and mess things up
Now there's no we babe
There's just you and there's me baby

There was us, there was trust
There was happen and change, I know
Silly you, silly me, silly us, what I've wait

But in love, love, love
You gotta act like a woman and think like a man
But in love, love, love
You gotta act like a woman and think like a man

Now I'm gonna keep it realer with you now that I ever been
Wish we would never been, girl we was better friends
You didn't had to tell me, what went right and when
Cause you wasn't my girlfriend, we had a good thing
Then after we were finished,
You go your way, I go my way, it was whatever
Tell me what ever happens
Think this wanna gonna be better
And now I'm telling you lies,
All because I hate to see the tears in your eyes
Of course I want my cake, and needed too, I'm a guy
And of course, you don't understand,
But you would if you thought like a man

But in love, love, love
You gotta act like a woman and think like a man
But in love, love, love
You gotta act like a woman and think like a man

These are words of pure truth; of pure protection. When it comes to love, there is such a fine line, such a difference, between the way guys and girls view this emotion. As girls, we go into every relationship hoping for the best - we may say we expect for the worst, but do we really? We create this fantasy, this image in our mind of the perfect relationship; we predetermine every text they'll send us and every look they'll give us in the hall. We over think, over analyze and over anticipate every moment. But this is only going to bring us pain. In the end, we have to do exactly what this song tells us to do: go into every relationship acting like a woman but with the mindset of a man. They don't think about every little detail, they just go with the flow and whatever happens, happens. We feel the pressure to look our best, do our best and be our best, in order to impress "that guy," but in the back of our minds we must remember what guys really want. We have to remember that, "I love you." "You are beautiful." or "You mean the world to me." are all just words unless they have actions to back them up. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because it's what we want to hear, our hearts devour this and we believe them, and we believe them with all we have. Why? Because we're girls. We want to be loved, we want to be called beautiful, and we want to feel wanted. But we have to go into every young relationship without expectations, we have to remain lighthearted, and we must be ourselves - never sacrificing who we are for anyone - because while we are young, we have to remember that, by nature, guys don't know how to treat a girl. So always love, you gotta act like a woman, but think like a man.