Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Mindset of a Mother

Author's Note - This is a poetic response to the novel, The Bean Trees. When Taylor Greer -- a young adult who has just taken on her independent life -- decides to drive away from her hometown, in search of a new beginning, she is struck with a whole new world: motherhood. The already big change of moving away has just been made tougher, with the new responsibility of caring for a child. She is confused and this poem digs deeper into her mind; what exactly was going through her head during this time?

How can I take on
Yet another responsibility
Of a small human life
When I was just given my own

Brand new to this world
My eyes have barely opened
When another is introduced
The world of motherhood
I was just the child
Now I have to care for one
I just left my mother
Now I have to be one

I am supposed to love this child
Like my own flesh and blood
But how can I do that?
When, truly, she is not

Confusion fills my brain
I am full of questions
What makes a good mother?
Do I have what it takes?

I look into the child's eyes
Beautiful and full of youth
Her gentle hands
Rub against my face
She deserves better
But then again,
I am the only chance she has
And she may be the chance I need

Right now I feel nothing
Maybe I will soon?
All I can do
Is love her
Hold her tight
And never let her go


  1. Great job, Taylor! This poem displays the troubles both Lou Ann and Taylor are now facing as young, single mothers. I love how you talk about what she recently was, and what she has to become inorder to take care of her child. I really enjoyed reading this!

  2. This was fantastic Taylor:) I love how you display the idea of motherhood. They way you said that Taylor had just gained her own freedom and now she's responsible for another person's independence. I also love the ending, the way you say "All I can do is love her hold her tight and never let her go." That is great! Awesome job:) <3
