Friday, April 2, 2010

True Identity

a response to The Bean Trees
There are many people in this world who choose to hide under a mask in order to keep themselves from reality. For some, this is because they are unhappy with the person they’ve become but for others, they feel worthless and find no reward in revealing themselves. In the novel, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, the concept of true identity comes into play; this book is filled with characters who keep their true persona hidden. They do this in order to maintain a decent reputation, when underneath, they are actually hurt, alone and confused. Kingsolver is trying to warn us about the dangers of living an isolated life.

Imagine if the whole world were hidden under one huge cloak; we would never be able to recognize people by their true identity. Despite the pain it may bring, people have to learn to openly express themselves. By exposing yourself, the door that allows others to help you, is unlocked. This is a well-learned lesson by one of the main characters, Taylor Greer, when she meets another young mom, Lou Ann. They were both hidden away -- trying not to let anyone know they were troubled -- but when the met each other, these women honestly discuss their lives in the most sincere way. Lou Ann and Taylor released theirs masks and because of this, they were able to rescue one another from their buried lives. True identity is nothing to hide. If you are unhappy with the person you are, holding on to your agony is not the right thing to do. Do not be afraid to show yourself to the world, to reveal yourself, to cry for help. You never know, the answer to your call may be a rescue.

1 comment:

  1. Taylor, this is an exellent response! I would have never thought of that idea of hiding your identidy, but after reading this I completely understand how the characters are! There is nothing I would change about this! :D
