Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hidden Truth

a poetic response to the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Hidden in the mind
Covered by the myths
A boy with a reputation
Yet a boy with potential
He is analytical
Yet viewed from the world
He is troubled
He questions many things
Yet understands much more

Our world, our generation
So extremely judgmental
When something's not right
It appears imperfect
But hidden under the myths
We find the truth

And so we have this boy
With a vast facade
Because he dislikes yellow
And hates to be touched
But under the mask
Is a human with a mind


  1. Nice poem. I like how you use some patterns in repetitioon, and sound. You also shed some light on an important aspect of the novel which is truth is often hidden under myth. Christopher's myth are more obvious, and easy to set aside as silly, but don't we often follow ideas that are just as silly, just as pretend, just as made-up? Meanwhile we pretend they are real! Argh!

  2. WOW! This was fantastic. I really liked the way you layed out the poem; how you used single words to describe a deeper meaning. This was so great Taylor, your point was clear and you've managed to really make the reader thing about judging others. Great,great job! :)

  3. I really liked the form of this poem. Nice job finding something to write about from this novel. Great job!!!

  4. This is a really cool way to portray Christopher. I like the fist stanza; how you write about the aptitudes he has, but that the world looks down on him. Also, ending of this poem gives it a strong finish. Nice job!

  5. Taylor, this is GREAT!!!!! I love how you talked about the myths and him not liking yellow. I especially liked when you would describe something with 3 or 4 words and those words took up the whole line because it made me think about those words and how people use it to describe him. Nice job!
