Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nature's Touch

Please, oh, nature
Touch me with your beauty
Fill my lungs with fresh air
My nose with the scent of wildflowers

Please, oh, nature
Capture me with your beauty
Mesmerize my eyes with glistening water
My white skin with the scorching sun

Please, oh, nature
Make my mind wander with your beauty
Release my emotions with the serenity of the wind
My anxieties with the therapy of silence

Please, oh, nature
Take me with your beauty
And never let me go


  1. This is just a beatiful piece. The way you describe each of the elements is really intriguing and this poem flows so well. This is a great poem, just beautiful. Great job on this.

  2. Wow! That was amazing! The way that you were able to explain nature in that much detail made it sound so beautiful! I loved the vocab words you used, the last line was the best!!!

  3. Taylor, this is a really good descriptive poem. I love how you described everything, it made a really clear picture in my head of the things you were talking about. I also love your title. ;D Nice job!

  4. This is a really good poem. I really like how you kept the same opening line for each stanza it was a good use of repetition. It also is very well written and a very "pretty" poem. Nicely done :)

  5. WOWSERS!!! That was absolutely beautiful.. You did a fantastic job on this piece. You should be extremely proud. Your vocab was excellent and the repetitiveness was perfect. I loved it. :)

  6. TAYLORR!!! This is such a beautiful poem! I love the repetitive begininngs and your vocabulary was great! Great job!!

  7. That was such an amazing poem! The way you describe nature using personification and your senses was incredible!
