Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Walk to Remember

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. ~Mohandas Gandhi

Walking my dog one night, I saw this quote on the bumper sticker of a car; I wondered for a while about what it would mean. Thinking and referring to my bible, I realized that this is plainly stating the concept that God is flawless and man is not. Ironically, this has a lot to do with the novel we recently read: The Power and the Glory. People have so many imperfections and can push others away by their actions. On the other hand, Christ pulls so many people towards him because of his perfection. Although men accomplish many great things, the Lord is ruler of all creation and is much more powerful than human kind. He draws sinful people towards Him because He is the ideal vision. I believe that Gandhi is referring to the immense disparity between man and Christ: one is faultless and the other is the opposite. Human beings can be so greedy, egotistical and boorish while their Christ is full of love and grace. Gandhi is sharing his opinion on the necessary difference between Christians and their Christ. In reality, most Christians are aware of their faults and therefore depend on God's forgiveness to live a healthy life.


  1. WOW!!!!!! I love that quote and you did a really good job describing your opinion on it. You have really gotten better with your desecriptive words this year! Way to meet a goal. Nice job!

  2. Taylor, this is so good! I love how you came upon this quote randomly--I mean what can be more random than a bumper sticker--and it ended up relating to your life. Your vocaublary is great, your opinion is clearly stated, and I love how bold you are in talking about your faith. Great job :D!

  3. Wow! this is amazing, Taylor. I love how you were able to relate to something that you saw and pull something amazing out of it! You had some great points stated, many that most people probably don't think about all the time. Great job!

  4. Seriously, this is excellent! You completely broke down the quote and found the true meaning of it. When I read the quote at the beginning, I didn't understand it but you made it completely clear in this response! Great job Taylor :D

  5. I love this entry too for a couple of reasons. First off, I love how you saw this bumper sticker and thought about it, finally making connections to things we've discussed and read. That's how real thinkers learn and continue to learn away from places like schools. Secondly, I like how you explained the process of thinking, consulting your own references, and thoughts to help decide what to make of what the phrase said. Finally, I like hom you have the courage to put your feelings and thoughts, and beliefs out there. I am a fan of Ghandi, and know some of what he was about. In this quote, he is trying to divide the acts some people do in the name of Christianity from the principles laid out by Jesus Christ. If we examine history, and even events in our present day, we can find example after example of people doing things that are clearly contradictory to the teachings of Jesus, while claiming to take their actions in the name of Christianity.

  6. Hey Mr. J, I don't know if you will ever get this now that school is over, but I just wanted to thank you for this long comment. In fact, thank you for ALL the comments you have ever given me and for all the teaching and encouraging you have done over these 2 years! You truly are a great teacher and I hope you know that I am going to come and visit you A TON in high school! :) Thanks again,
